1. Step 1
    If a Customer has any grievances / complaints, the Customer can approach Customer Support help desk via the chat option/email or call us on provided contact number. Details available in following Link.
  2. Step 2
    If the customer’s issue is unresolved after a period of 10 working days from the date of first raising the issue or if the customer is not satisfied with the response provided , post completion of a 10 working day period from the date of first raising the issue at Step 1,customer may write to the Principal Officer at:
    The Principal Officer
    Ascend Co working, B 205-206,
    Dhanashree Heights,
    Off Veera Desai Rd, Andheri West,
    Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058
    Email: [email protected]
  3. Step 3
    If the customer’s issue is unresolved for a period of 7 working days after the Customer reaches out to the Principal Officer as provided, the Customer may write to the CEO at: [email protected]
  4. Step 4
    If the complaint is not resolved by CEO within a period of 7 working days from the date of such issues first being raised at the Step 3, or if the customer is not satisfied with grievance redressal, the customer may, after completion of 7 working days after the issued was first raised at step 3, approach SEBI at:  https://www.scores.gov.in/scores/Welcome.html. The process for approaching SEBI is provided below:
    • Go to https://www.scores.gov.in/scores/Welcome.html. and click on “Complaint Registration” under “Investor Corner”
    • Fill the complaint registration form containing personal details.
    • Provide the complaint details.
    • Ensure that you fill the mandatory fields on the form.
    • Select the correct complaint category, entity name, nature of complaint.
    • Provide complaint details in brief (up to 1000 characters).
    • A PDF document (up to 2MB of size for each nature of complaint) can also be attached along with the complaint as supporting document. On successful submission of complaint, a system generated unique registration number will be displayed on the screen which may be noted for future correspondence. An email acknowledging the complaint with complaint registration number will also be sent to the email id entered in the complaint registration form. In case, you are not able to register a complaint online, you can send your complaint through post to any of the SEBI offices whose addresses are given at SEBI Website on:  http://www.sebi.gov.in/cms/sebi_data/templates/SebiAddresses.html